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Coaching Expectations
- Ownership Authorization
- Mutual Non-Disclosure
- Know Your Client
- Setting Expectations
- Client Goals & Outcomes
- Corporate Resolution
- 501c3/Exempt Engagement
- I-9 completion
- Compliance Verification
- Corporate Bio
- Google Drive Folder
- Strategic Coaching Session
Maximum upload file size: 100 MB.
Recommended Assessments
- 5 Factor Model Overview
- 5 Factor Model Test
- Upload Results
- ENNEAGRAM Overview
- Upload Results
- Multiple Intelligence
- Multiple Intelligence Test
- Upload Results
- Learning Style Overview
- Learning Style Test
- Upload Results
- Personality Type Overview
- Personality Type Test
- Upload Results
Maximum upload file size: 100 MB.
Maximum upload file size: 100 MB.
Maximum upload file size: 100 MB.
Maximum upload file size: 100 MB.
Maximum upload file size: 100 MB.
Tax Exemption (501c3) Overview
Coaching Organizing Structure
- Structure Overview
- State Structure Sessions
- End of Structure Phase
- EIN Overview
- Employer Phase (EIN/TIN) Audit
- End of E.I.N. Phase
- E-Verify Qualifiers
- SS Administrations
- Department of Labor
- Federal Permits/Licenses
- State Permits/Licenses
- Local Permits/Licenses
- Industry Permits/Licenses
- Private Co. Permits/Licenses
- End of Phase Coaching Call
Tax Exemption Submission
- Tax Exempt Overview
- Filing Tax Exempt Overview
- Tax Exempt Basics
- Employment Basics Zip.
- Policy & Procedures Basics
- End of Services
Maximum upload file size: 100 MB.
Business Protection Coahcing
- Intellectual Property Overview
- Federal Copywrite Overview
- Federal Trademark Overview
- Federal Patent Overview
- State Intellectual Property
- Industry Intellectual Property
- Corporate Insurnace
- Industry Insurance
- Surety Bonds
Tax Exemption Compliance
When you form a business as a corporation, the company becomes a separate legal entity. Your name is no longer valid when you’re signing contracts between the business and another party. Representatives must be authorized to sign for the company. These representatives can include board members, managers, and other personnel. If an employee who hasn’t been authorized signs a document or contract on the company’s behalf, this can cause legal troubles. Not every employee is an authorized business representative. Someone who doesn’t have the authority to make important business decisions shouldn’t be signing legal documents or contracts for the company. Managers with more responsibilities, such as a manager who serves as a corporate officer, may be authorized by the owner of the business to sign.